off to ireland and beyond

Here are 8 Tips About Traveling

August 02, 20243 min read

“Live To Live & Travel, and start your journey with Dave Ramsey's book called The Total Money Makeover.” - Ann Marie Walts


Hi there! I am Ann Marie Walts, and I want to first off by saying, "Thank you for checking out my travel blog.

Life can be a journey in itself, and not in my wildest dreams would I ever thought that I would of become a what some of my friends would call a "world traveler", but here I am.

If I can you!

Traveling to Ireland and Beyond

With that said, here are my 8 tips how you should start on you quest of seeing more of the world, and doing it stress-free!

1. Work on becoming 100% Debt-Free!


Let me share with you that a friend shared with me this idea of reading a book...that would ABSOLUTELY change the dynamics of our family's life.

I was very skeptical at first, but thought, "Ah, what the hell, let's throw caution to the wind, and give it a go!"

I'd highly recommend reading The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.

You will thank me later

2. Create a Travel Savings Account

If you're going to go on vacation then why not make it easier, and more attainable for yourself? If you start a dedicated savings account for your traveling then you will be surprised how much easier it will be to get to go to that place that is on your "bucket list".


It took me literally decades to learn this, and my most recent trip to Europe....I packed only carry on.
Skip checking anything in if you can avoid it.

I will share more tips about this as I write more posts.

4. Make Chatgpt your b*tch!

If you don't know what Chatgpt is yet, then you will want to take a look. This powerful AI can help you plan a trip or even help provide subway directions. More on this later!

5. Pre-Download Transportation Apps

If you are going to a new area whether it is Domestic or Abroad, you will want to research what will be the most convenient form of transformation. With Uber, and Lyft being amongst the popular "taxi"-like transportation, I suggest that you download the apps on your own wi-fi at home.

Don't wait and do this at the airport because you might be in an area where your own cell wi-fi may not have a strong enough signal. And the last thing you want to have happen is you be standing at the curb becoming frustrated for 30 minutes because the download is taking 3 days.

6. Take an Uber to your airport & save on parking

On one of my most recent trips to Europe, I was going to be leaving from our local international airport but it was going to be in the middle of the afternoon, and it would of been more expensive to park my car for 3 weeks.

Instead of having my hubby drive me to the airport...I said, "Hey, I'm going to check out an Uber." I cost only $40 verus paying $268.00 for parking. (Plus he would of had to leave work...hehhehee)

7. Pad your travel time for delays

Not sure why the workforce still hasn't recovered since 2020, but the airlines are not very reliable anymore. It seems like someone sneezes and there is a delay.

But truly, if you are going to be going on a cruise or an island vacation where there are limited flights, then I strongly recommend adding an extra day or even two days, in the frontend of your trip to ensure you will get to your destination.

Why? You want to have a stress-free time!

8. Traveling Abroad - Buy Health Insurance

If you are going to be traveling abroad, it may be a good idea to look into buying a temporary health insurance policy to ensure that you are covered. I will write about this more, in the future.

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